5 Stages to Quitting

The phases of change

Smokers generally go through five stages in the process of quitting, each focused on different aspects and different challenges.

First Pre-contemplation (not thinking about quitting)

People who currently do not really think about quitting, and if challenged, will probably defend their smoking behavior. They may be discouraged about previous attempts to quit or believe that they are too addicted to ever stop. These smokers may not be open to messages about the health benefits of quitting smoking. But at some point, the vast majority of "pre-contemplators" begin to think about quitting.

Second Contemplation (thinking about quitting but not ready to quit)

During this phase the stop smoking in the near future (perhaps six months or less). They are more aware of the personal effects and consider smoking a problem to be solved. Therefore, they are more open to receiving information about smoking and to identify obstacles that prevent them from quitting.

Third Preparation (getting ready to finish)

In the preparation, smokers decided to stop and prepare to stop. They see the "cons" of smoking outweigh the "pros" and take steps to quit small. For example, in the initial planning, they may smoke fewer cigarettes. They make statements like "The situation is serious ... something must change" and even a date to quit smoking.

4th Action (quitting)

At the moment people are actively trying to quit smoking, perhaps using short-term rewards to stay motivated and often turn to family, friends and support from others. She mentally assess their commitment to themselves and the company plans to release the pressure in both personal and external, that can cause slips to tackle. This step, usually a maximum of six months the period during which most smokers need help and support.

5th Maintenance (remaining a Non smoking)

Former smokers in the maintenance phase have learned to anticipate and handle temptations to smoke and are able to develop new ways to use to deal with the pressures of stress, boredom and social that had been part of their "identity of smoking . "Although they can slip and smoke a cigarette, trying to teach them the slip, so it does not happen again. This helps to give them a greater sense of control and the ability to continue smoking.
