
Super Wild Rice

Non-GMO, Non-hybrid

Every grain of Super Wild Rice is non-GMO (non genetically modified organism) and non-hybrid.

Super Wild Rice was discovered from the nature. It's non-GMO and non-hybrid. For people who eat rice everyday, Super Wild Rice provides the best natural nutritions.

No Residual Pesticide or Chemical Fertilizer

Every grain of Super Wild Rice is naturally fertilized. Fishes and ducks are raised together in the Super Wild Rice paddy field to provide natural fertilizers.

Rich in Selenium, High in Protein

Every grain of Super Wild Rice is rich in Selenium and Protein.

Selenium could be your most potent ally against cancer. Selenium is able to play such a protective role in the body because it increases antioxidant capabilities and the quality of blood flow, therefore enhancing the body's resistance against diseases and stress. Selenium is often praised for its role in antioxidant activity which lowers free radical damage and inflammation.